Tuesday, June 19, 2007

4 months

Dear Matthew,

How is it that you are already one third of a year old? Didn't your father and I just bring you home from the hospital? What happened to the little boy who was the length of my forearm? Where is the baby who stayed asleep longer than he stayed awake? I can't believe those days are just memories now. You are changing at an alarming pace and while I can't wait to learn more about you, I am sad that I only have memories of your first months here (because, let's be honest, my memory isn't all it's cracked up to be).

When I look at the photos of you on your first day of life I see many similarities to the baby you are now. And while the similarities are there, what is even more striking are the differences. Your cheeks are so full and plump, your eyes are the brightest blue, your hair is growing longer, your body has fattened up and you smile all the time, it is wonderful to see how much you have grown.

Matthew, just recently you started to roll over on your stomach at night. While your Dad and I are thrilled that you are learning to roll over, we wish it wouldn't happen at night, when you are semi-swaddled. I only wish that you would learn to roll back over as quickly as you are learning to roll on your tummy, that would help alleviate the small stroke I have when I enter your room at 3am and see you sleeping on your stomach, face down. Let me also report on other news that makes my heart race, but in a good, excited way. Matty - you are finally starting to embrace tummy time! For a long time you would scream and protest whenever we placed you on your stomach. However, just yesterday I rolled you over to work those neck and chest muscles and you smiled at me while you wiggled your little legs and arched your back. I will go ahead and write that once more: you smiled at me while on your stomach. That is quite the feat for you, and it made me ecstatic that you are getting used to tummy time, and may actually be enjoying the exercise?

Right now our video camera is broken, which kills me, it kills me dead. I want to document your coos and babbling. You talk so much, and you are always commenting on something in your world. Your Dad and I try and have conversations with you all the time, and there are moments when you make noises and coos that sound like 'uh-oh' or 'uh-huh'. Matthew you are already mastering the art of conversation, I can't wait to hear your first word!

Recently your Dad and I took away your pacifier when you fall asleep. Sorry about that nasty turn of events baby boy. We were worried that you were relying on the pacifier to fall asleep and we wanted to break that habit. You did not take kindly to our desire to break the habit and you let us know that. Loudly. In our ears. For long periods of time. You protested severely the first night, the second night without the pacifier you protested, but not nearly as long or as forcefully, and the third night without it, you barely cried at all. You quickly adjusted which made your father and feel good about the choice we made. While we worried that you would resent us and continue to fight sleep without your pacifier, you proved us wrong, which only confirms how awesome you are. You are such a happy boy and we were worried that our actions would damage you, but your every day gummy grins and drooly smiles are testament to your enjoyable, pleasant personality. Thanks for being so easy going, not only are you happy, but you are pretty laid back and that makes it nice for your Daddy and me on so many levels.

Baby boy, I try and tell you everyday, in so many ways, how much I love you. I hope you never doubt for a second how important you are to me.

Love, Momma


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