Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The power of positive thinking

Ever since M was born I have declared that he is a good sleeper. This is, for the most part true (see, I am using positive thinking even as I type this post!). We are able to put M in his crib at night and he usually goes to sleep right away, without a fuss.

(Here it comes) BUT, the chances that he will actually stay asleep all night long are slim to none. Every so often he will sleep from 8 pm until 5:30 am, and those are good nights. Lately he has been waking up and yelling at us between 10 and 11 pm, and he is yelling for what seems like no reason at all. We cannot figure out what is wrong. I feel so badly for him, and also for me, because there have been a couple of moments where I have almost lost my mind due to all the screaming. Also, I do not deal graciously with stress, and a screaming baby for an hour does not a gracious momma make. Instead the screaming seems to grind what itsy sliver of graciousness I did have into tiny shreds with every shriek, cry and whimper. I am not proud of that, and I am working VERY hard to deal with M's crying like a poised and professional mother. My first step in dealing is to remind myself that 'he is a BABY and he doesn't know any better'. Which, duh, but during the throws of crying this can be a hard thing to remember and I don't want him to learn that screaming like a wild banshee will get momma to pick him up. Sometimes I worry a little that I am being taken advantage of by an 8 month old, which really, is that such a big deal? In a way yes, because I don't want my kid thinking he rules the roost, but in a way no, because he needs to know he is loved and cared for, especially when he is so upset.

So, for awhile M was up with what seemed like teething pain, and he wouldn't stay up long, but he still was awake. Then, out of no where, he started crying out at random times, sometimes 12, sometimes 2, and (here is where I made my mistake) I would go in and try and comfort him so he could get back to sleep and so he wouldn't wake up J. Except, M wasn't learning how to soothe himself and that = problem. So now, when he wakes up at night, I think it's harder for him to get back to sleep because momma needs to be there to help facilitate the process.

Now I have realized that unless the child is screaming his head off, I should just let him whimper and cry a little in his crib and he will usually go back to sleep. It is hard though, trying to retrain myself not to jump up at every sound that comes from his nursery.

So, in conclusion, I like to say that M is a good sleeper, because I want him to be a good sleeper, and isn't positive thinking half the battle?


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