Monday, November 03, 2008


That was Bud on Friday night, celebrating his first Halloween as the cutest lion you have ever seen, roaring his way down the street to various houses. It was touch and go as to whether or not he would actually wear the costume, but when the night arrived, I threw it on him as if he were just changing into a different outfit and he didn't protest at all, which was shocking.

We went to pick up J from work and start our evening, and J made a comment about Bud's costume. Like I mentioned, I literally threw the suit on him, pants were crooked, one foot was hanging out, the other tucked up under the material, the top half of his costume wasn't fastened, the arms looked too long, half the upper part of suit was sitting on him crookedly, he looked a little dishevelled to say the least. Watching Bud walk to the car J commented that "Larry the homeless lion" needed to hold his Daddy's hand and I lost it because Bud truly did look like a little homeless lion at that point.

We went and trick or treated at a neighborhood where several good friends live so they could all see Bud and TT. Bud was a little unsure of what to do at first, but he slowly got into knocking on doors and holding up his little pillowcase (Momma was a slacker and never found a pumpkin basket in time for the festivities). Bud didn't even realize that what he was getting was candy (he never had chocolate until that night), I think he just thought he was picking out brightly colored little toys. We only went to about eight houses, and by the time we were done Bud was really starting to love the experience and didn't want the night to end. TT ended up sleeping through his first Halloween, but his cute little pumpkin slippers were so sweet sticking out from the bottom of the Bjorn.

We had such a fun night and I am already excited about next year when both boys will be able to go out together begging for treats.


Blogger Jim Gay said...

Nah. Think of the way he squished the heck out of that peanut butter cup... he knew it was a package of tastiness.

3:26 PM  

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