Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tell her what she wins Rod!

Rod: Well Bob...She wins a brand new embryo! (clapclapclap cheercheercheer)

Bob: That's right everybody! She does! A round of applause please! There were two pink lines again this morning, which could only mean one thing (besides a faulty test): A brand new rolly-polly, flouncy- bouncy baby! Delivered in 9 months! Congratulations Amy!

Amy: Well...well...I ju...just don't know wha, what to say! Thank you Jim! Thank you everyone! I can't believe it! I can't wait to meet this grand prize!

(Amy would like the reading audience to know that while she does believe what First Response has to say, she has also enlisted the help of her doctor's office to provide additional pregnancy results Friday morning.)


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