Monday, February 18, 2008


One Year Old.

What can I say that would appropriately sum up the last year? Let me start with the cliche' that it really does go faster than you'll ever believe. A year ago I had just birthed a kid after almost 12 hours of labor and I could hardly believe my body was going to allow me to survive the next 24 hours, much less the next 365 days.

Most of the past year jumbles into one big happy, crazy, tired, giggle fest; complete with baby drool and copious amounts of poo. The smiles, the hugs, the tightening of little arms around my neck, the coos, the babbles, and the kisses are all what I now need to function. I never thought my heart could hold so much love for one person, yet my son has proved to me that every day I learn to love a little more.

In the beginning I was so worried about being a good mother. I had so many fears of screwing up my child's mind, life, thoughts, being, that it took me a little while to feel comfortable in my new role. I have made countless mistakes over the past year, and I know I will continue to make mistakes as he grows older, but the mistakes are not what stand out. No, in fact, I can barely remember my mistakes. Instead I remember big toothy grins, chubby baby thighs, little fingers exploring my face, infectious baby laughs, splashes in the tub, dancing at the fridge, everything that makes my heart smile.

This past year was more than I could have imagined. Looking ahead I don't know how could get better, and yet it will. I am so excited to watch this little person grow and learn about the world around him. His discoveries are mine all over again and every day I am so thankful to be a part of his life.

Happy Birthday little one. You are absolutely divine. I love you.


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