Oh gee, hi there. It''s been a little while, eh? Would it help if I said that I thought about posting almost every day? That my kids have been doing really cute things and I have been reminding myself for days that I would remember the cute things they did and I would come here and update said cuteness for all to enjoy? That would help? Great! Then I will be back soon, once I can actually remember exactly what the cute things are, because my memory? It is broken.
Okay, so my memory is not completely broken, just a little on the blitz every now and then. I can remember a few things, such as Buddance asking me the other day if he could take his head off to look at the bug bite on the back of his neck. I was pretty impressed with his train of thought and actually laughed out loud when he looked at me, very earnestly, and said "Momma, take head off." I wish it were that easy buddy.
And holy cow, when did babies decide to grow up so quickly? Jeez, Tata is changing more and more each day. And since he is still unable to tell us with words what his little mind is thinking, he instead shouts and screeches his thoughts at top V O L U M E to get his point across. Basically what I take away from all of his communication is if I don't want to be deaf in another few years, I should don earplugs when in the same room as him. That baby boy is L O U D.
He is also mobile, which is so exciting for his father and myself to see, and so panic inducing for his older brother to see. Buddance has gotten very good at saying the sentence "THOMAS! DON'T GAB IT!" whenever he sees his little brother crawling in any direction. The sentence is repeated by Bud at least two more times if Tata is seen casting a sidelong glance at a toy, a piece of furniture, a spec of dirt on the floor, or a molecule in the air. Buddance picks a toy up off the floor in a hot second if Tata is in the same room as said toy. All of this has lead to me trying to teach Bud about sharing, and trying to explain that one of the only ways Tata can learn about the world around him is to touch and explore. I am pretty sure Bud thinks I am trying to pull one over on him, and just let Tata use Bud's toys. The fun will really begin when Tata can actually lean over and REALLY "gab" something out of Bud's hands. Oh, I just can't wait for those days! (And no, that last sentence was not dripping with sarcasm in THE LEAST.)
Okay, so my memory is not completely broken, just a little on the blitz every now and then. I can remember a few things, such as Buddance asking me the other day if he could take his head off to look at the bug bite on the back of his neck. I was pretty impressed with his train of thought and actually laughed out loud when he looked at me, very earnestly, and said "Momma, take head off." I wish it were that easy buddy.
And holy cow, when did babies decide to grow up so quickly? Jeez, Tata is changing more and more each day. And since he is still unable to tell us with words what his little mind is thinking, he instead shouts and screeches his thoughts at top V O L U M E to get his point across. Basically what I take away from all of his communication is if I don't want to be deaf in another few years, I should don earplugs when in the same room as him. That baby boy is L O U D.
He is also mobile, which is so exciting for his father and myself to see, and so panic inducing for his older brother to see. Buddance has gotten very good at saying the sentence "THOMAS! DON'T GAB IT!" whenever he sees his little brother crawling in any direction. The sentence is repeated by Bud at least two more times if Tata is seen casting a sidelong glance at a toy, a piece of furniture, a spec of dirt on the floor, or a molecule in the air. Buddance picks a toy up off the floor in a hot second if Tata is in the same room as said toy. All of this has lead to me trying to teach Bud about sharing, and trying to explain that one of the only ways Tata can learn about the world around him is to touch and explore. I am pretty sure Bud thinks I am trying to pull one over on him, and just let Tata use Bud's toys. The fun will really begin when Tata can actually lean over and REALLY "gab" something out of Bud's hands. Oh, I just can't wait for those days! (And no, that last sentence was not dripping with sarcasm in THE LEAST.)
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