Thursday, July 20, 2006


There are a lot of things round these here parts that are falling, and falling fast.

Two days ago my temperature started falling, something that alarmed me the first day, and then freaked me out yesterday, so much so that I basically sat in one place all day long, afraid to move. I called my doctor's office and told them that my temperature was dropping (everything I have read says your temp stays elevated throughout the entire pregnancy) and said I wasn't experiencing as much morning sickness as I was just a week ago, and I had stomach pains that had been present since the night before. I was scared. The nurse, who for the forty frillionth time asked when my last period began reported to me that I was 11 weeks along (um....NO, I'm NOT) and that is when morning sickness symptoms start to diminish. So, I played along for the sake of my sanity and said 'but what about the falling temperature'? She didn't know what to say for that one. So I sat down on my couch, decided that staying still was the best option, and cried.

Luckily today I have my first ultrasound scheduled AND my temperature finally decided to go back up the scale and give my freak out genes a rest. I still don't quite understand why I don't have as many morning sickness symptoms, but I am thankful that things are a little better on the stomach front. One strange thing that is happening is I will crave something like mac and cheese, eat it once, become completed disgusted, and not want anymore. And while my stomach isn't turning circles inside me, there is very little food that appeals to me right now. Yesterday I subsided on wheat thins, pepper jack cheese, and strawberry yogurt. Let's hope this kid isn't a picky eater because my body decides to hate every food in existence during the next 9 months.

Another thing I notice is that tears fall fast and free, at times for things I wouldn't have thought twice about a month ago. I find myself all verklempt over motherhood stories, adoption stories, birth stories, celebrity sightings, road kill, and Grey's Anatomy re-runs, though really it's the first three that truly get me gushing. Forever I have been reading other mother's blogs, trying to prepare myself for such a life changing event and I read with one eye closed because the detailed explanation of how a mother's visa was approved so that she can now adopt from Russia leaves me bawling. I only imagine these feelings will grow stronger as this baybee gets bigger, and I am not sure that I (or my husband) can handle my whirlwind emotions.

As for the ultrasound today, I am prepared to cry the minute the nurse comes in the room. However, since I have kept my guard up during this pregnancy and not allowed myself to truly accept that there is a baby inside me, I am also prepared to be a bit stoic, perhaps...impassive? That should warm everyone's heart. Really, when it comes down to it, I am nervous. The unknown is scary, which includes being unprepared to have a baby. Do not be surprised when I leave the Radiologist's office and head straight to Babies R Us to register for everything under the sun and then some.


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