I am so unbelievably sick. As in: ear ache, sinus headache, sore throat, runny nose, constant sneezing, and feeling crappy. However, I have been able to lie on the couch all day and feel very sorry for myself, and that has made me feel a tiny bit better. But, I fear that these days are about to come to a crashing halt. In 7 months I will no longer be able to feel sorry for myself if I get sick, because I will have a helpless little human to care for 24 hours a day. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to have this child, but I am also scared to death. Scared, because nothing will ever be the same again. I will no longer be able to lie in bed and 'rest' if I feel sick, or tired, or just have a headache, in fact, I am pretty sure that word 'rest' will become extinct in this house. It's strange to feel so totally ready and so completely unprepared for something at the exact same time.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go lie down, use another entire box of tissues in an hour, and be sick: Alone.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go lie down, use another entire box of tissues in an hour, and be sick: Alone.
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