Ho boy. This baby likes to streeeeeetch out all over the place. Often times I find myself pushing back on spot on my belly that hurts like a mofo, and I'll feel a little foot move out of the way, or a knee slide down lower in my belly. What is really freaky is to look at my stomach and actually see how lopsided it is at times. I wish I had a way to look inside and see what kinds of crazy positions this kid gets itself into, it is so intriguing.
I know as soon as I write this next sentence I will be jinxing myself, but I shall take the risk. As of right now I have no stretch marks, and this makes me oh.so.happy! Tomorrow I will be kicking myself for typing that, because I guarantee that my body will punish me for being so vain and produce one stretch mark for every letter in this entry. Honestly, I don't know why I haven't gotten any stretch marks; I suppose it comes from good genes. It certainly isn't because I am watching what I eat and taking care to rub lotion on my belly every day. In fact, I feel like I am eating pounds of food lately, and I am hungry at the worst times of day, like 9pm at night. Though I do enjoy being able to eat a meal and not having to suck my gut in after I am done, I will miss that once this baby pops out. Pregnancy weight: Both a blessing and a curse.
I have really tried to keep in shape during this pregnancy, and though I am gaining weight at what feels like an alarming rate, I am swimming almost every day, so that makes me feel somewhat better. Do you know what really annoys me though? The women in the locker room who insist on conversing with me while I am naked and showering. Who holds a conversation while naked?! It is all I can do to shower quickly and grab my towel because I certainly don't want anyone staring at my body, especially when I am sporting the "beached whale" look. I feel like I draw attention to myself anyway since I have no belly button to speak of, and my stomach is this giant bulbous ball, I don't need more attention when I HAVE NO CLOTHES ON. Please, do not talk about the weather or the temperature of the pool water until I am dressed, I beg you.
That paragraph above is giving me the heebies, so let me change the subject and talk about my sweet baby. Everyday I wonder: Boy or Girl? I came across some old wives tales online and I have had fun applying each to my pregnancy to see if I can figure out this kid's gender.
* If the baby's heart rate is under 140 it's a boy, over 140 it's a girl
This kid's heart rate has been between 140 and 150* If you have heartburn you're having a girl
I had some heartburn during the 2nd trimester, but nothing since* If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception both end in an even or odd number then it's a girl, if one is even and one is odd, it's a boy
I was 27 in 2006* If you carry out front: girl, if you carry in the hips and butt: boy
I don't really know where I am carrying, I am guessing out front, my husband and mother both commented that I don't look pregnant from behind* Boys give beauty, girls take it away
I haven't had any breakouts, but I did gain weight in my face, it's a toss up* If you are moody it's a girl. If you are cheerful it's a boy
I would say overall I have been a pretty cheerful pregnant lady, give or take a few hormonal episodesAs my husband would say: They all have a 50% chance of being right. How accurate he is, because half of these indicate I am having a girl and half indicate I am having a boy. At least it doesn't look there are any puppies inside me.