Thursday, March 31, 2011

Little bits

- Buddance was trying to play with, ahem...TAKE, some toys that T was using. T pipes up and tells Buddance he is playing with those plates and Buddance will have to wait:
"I am aggravating these right now and I am not done yet."

Yes. Well. That about sums up all of our playtime interactions.

- Tag Along K is now kicking in the bathtub all by himself and giggling, which can only mean he will be starting preschool next week, because that's how fast it feels it went with Buddance.

- It always makes me feel like I am doing something right when one of my older boys shouts up the stairs at the top of his lungs to his brother:
"Please come and play with me, I love you!"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Engrish: FTW!

J overheard this conversation between the older boys a few weeks ago.

T: Are you done with that toy yet?

Bud: No, I am still using it.

T: But why aren't you done?

Bud: Because I amment.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Names for the babe

The nicknames that our two older boys are bestowing upon our youngest are fantastic:
- Tag along K
- Pedestrian Bridge Boy
- Bingo
- and any other made up nonsense that makes them laugh

Before I forget: Names that Buddance liked to call T:
Timmis Bimmis
Tingy Dingy