Thursday, March 26, 2009

So there I was...

...thinking about how infrequently I write and wanting desperately to remedy that.


The end.

Oh, how very funny I am. Why do I not write as often as I used to? I think really, it has to do with the fact that I like to sit comatose in front of my computer at the end of the day and mindlessly click on crap. Sounds delightful, no? I could be putting my brain to better use by actually typing words into sentences and stringing them in cohesive paragraphs, but, eh. I prefer the brain rot lately.

I just managed to squeeze a few extra drops of energy out of my weary, worn down body, and started running again this week. Thank God for that, since I am more than a little jiggly, wiggly lately. The lack of muscle tone in my legs is starting to make me twitch, and is really not something I am used to, so I better quit complaining and actually do something about the problem. The ginormous hill outside of my house has become my new best friend and I hate that I love it so much.

In addition to making a new friend, I have cut myself off from an old, reliable friend. I gave up desserts with refined sugar for Lent, and that? THAT is an accomplishment. Sugar and I are tight. Tighter than tight is tight, to be exact. I am queen of the sugar intake, just ask my husband. Quick back story: When J and I first started dating, he bought some Life cereal. Plain Life cereal, mind you. I poured myself a bowl, couldn't wait to eat it, and as I brought the little squares to my mouth and let my taste buds experience the Lifey goodness, all I could think was how plain and boring that cereal tasted. Where was the FLAVOR? Where was the SUGAR? This wasn't cereal. It was cardboard masquerading as cereal.

Fast forward to last week, when I decided to by another box of Life and try it again. And do you know what? That shiznit is almost TOO sweet for me now! I could not believe it. Also, it only has 6 grams of sugar. SIX! That is pretty low compared to a lot brands out there. Um, or maybe just compared to the brands that I used to consume. Either way? It's low! So, I am pleased with the amount of sugar I have started cutting out of my diet, though my spare tire is a little put off with me, especially since it won't have a home much longer.

That's right baby, I'm back. And it feels goooooood.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Bir...oh...wait.

So. Apparently it is March. And somewhere back in February I became the momma of a 2 year old. Er...Happy Birthday Buddance! At least the party that was thrown for him was relatively near the day of his birth, unlike this entry. Bud had a grand time turning 2 and I had an even grander time knowing that the party was over and done with. It's not that I don't want my son to enjoy himself, but hosting a party for a bunch of 1 and 2 year olds, in a house the size of a post-it note does not make my top ten list of fun things to do with my time.

Let's see. What else have I been slacking on, besides updating about the two little people who like laugh, drool, and monopolize my time? Tata is changing at an alarming rate. One of his favorite things to do is pull his sock off and chew on it, which might be one of the cutest things EVER, in the history of cute things. Tata is also all about rolling over, and he is getting really good at reaching out for objects in front of him, whether that be a nose, hair, or any other object that hurts when you grab it. Buddance is actually really patient with Tata and let's him grab at his face, and touch his hair, etc. In fact, Bud actually likes the attention from Tata and will usually tell Tata "Maw!" (More) when Tata grabs at him. Buddance loves to have Tata watch him, when we are on the playground Bud runs from place to place, calling Tata's name, hoping that Tata will see the totally awesome thing that Bud is doing. It is the cutest thing. My wish is that they will always be a good friend to one another.

Hm. Now, how can I end this really random entry? Oh! We are getting family pictures done tomorrow to mark the fact that we have survived living with a 2 year old and a 6 month old. Let's hope we can all survive the photo shoot!