Baby boy!
Today is July 18. This means two things: It is hot as balls outside today, (I can say this right now because you don't understand what I mean, and when you look back at this ten years from now I can say that I was referring to beach balls because of the sweltering, smothering heat, I am crafty.) and you are five months old!
To celebrate this milestone in your life you decided that yesterday was a fine day to cut a tooth. Yes little man, your first tooth is coming in the bottom middle of your gums, and you have not been a happy camper about the whole situation. In fact, I think you have confused celebrating getting a new tooth with screaming loudly and angrily for long periods of time. Just so there is no more confusion: Screaming loudly and angrily is NOT the same thing as celebrating. Now that we have cleared that up: Matty boy - I am so excited that you are getting a tooth! I can't believe that you are old enough to be getting teeth, but I know soon I will be saying I can't believe you are old to drive a car, and you will blatantly roll your eyes at me, snatch the keys from my hand, and merrily skip out the door.
July has been a busy month for us so far. We flew to Texas to visit family in the beginning of July and you did really well on the take offs and landings. You cried at times on the planes, but it was such a long trip, and the overhead storage isn't that roomy, so I understand why you were upset. There is no leg room in those overhead bins! Oh, I jest. You had the luxury of stretching out on momma's lap and then switching to Daddy's lap when I got too boring for you. Your cuteness wowed many travelers and people were astounded to learn you were only 4 1/2 months old, because you are SO FREAKING LONG. Seriously, you are such a long kid, there isn't one ounce of extra fat on your body, it is amazing. You are fitting into 9 month clothing, I am in awe, and have refused to believe how big you are. Sorry I keep stuffing you in 3 month onesies, I am stubborn and hard-headed at times, which your father can attest too (his head vigorously nodding as he reads this).
Lately you are still waking up at night, though I am becoming encouraged that you will soon stop that madness. For the last month or so you have been waking up at 2 am and then again around 4:30. We could usually get you to calm down at 2 with the pacifier, but by 4:30 you wanted to eat again and it was all I could do to stretch you until 5 to eat. Last night you didn't wake at 2 at ALL (happy happy joy joy!) and when you woke around 4, I thought you would demand to be fed. However, your Dad (bless his heart) got up periodically over about an hour's time and soothed you each time you fussed, and then you fell back asleep until 5:50. Not eating at the crack of dawn is a big step for you little man! I was so happy that I didn't have to fed you at 4:30 or 5. I would be even more happy if this trend continued from here on out. (Hint hint.)
This weekend we head up north for your cousin's birthday. We are not making this trip to screw with your schedule, but because it will be fun to see family. I want you to remember that when you are trying to nap at Gram's house, because Lord knows if Matty ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. I love you Buddance, even with the screaming and the copious amounts of poop you have left on me in the last couple of days (confidential: daily diaper blowouts aren't cool). I wish there were more ways to tell you that I love you, just so you know: no one can ever take the place you have carved in my heart. Ever. At all. Never. No way. The end.