Friday, June 20, 2008

Just keep moving?

I have tried hard to workout and stay in shape during this pregnancy. It isn't always easy and there are many times that I am tired, achy, and uncomfortable and make excuses as to why I shouldn't go for a jog or do some stretching. However, for the most part I have been pretty dedicated to running/jogging. I don't go everyday, but I try to go every other day, and I am lifting some light weights as well to maintain strength in my back, because picking up a toddler while six months pregnant? Ho boy.

The other evening I left for my run/waddle-walk after Buddance was in bed. It was a nice evening and there were countless people outside, sitting on porches, enjoying the weather. I had not even made it to the end of my block when I ran past a house with a front porch full of people. I clearly heard a woman on the porch cry out: "She is running again! Look at that! Look at THAT!"

Um, yes. I am running. I am not deaf.

I have a feeling that people think I am harming the baby, or that I am a total nincompoop should not be exercising at all now that I am pregnant. I felt like shouting out: "My doctor says it's fine. Stop staring."

Many people give me a once over as I run by, and you know? A few years ago I probably would have wondered what was up with a pregnant woman running, besides the obvious; that she is crazy. So, I have come expect a few stares but that was the first time I heard someone make a comment. However, it was not the last.

I continued my run on a pretty popular walking/biking trail near our house, and there were tons of people out, taking advantage of the lack of humidity (why oh why can't it stay that way all summer?). On the trail I jogged by a young couple who were sitting on a bench people watching all the bikers, walkers and runners. As I made my way past the couple I heard the guy exclaim: "That is messed up."

There was no one else running near me at the time, so I knew the comment was directed at me and the "condition" in which I was running. I ignored the dude, and continued on my way, made my way to my turn around spot and then started on my loop back home. It took me about ten minutes to loop around and pass by the couple's bench again and I was praying that they would be gone, because I was sure I would hear something else spew forth and by this time I was really not in the mood to hear another pithy comment. As I approached the bench I saw my wish was not granted, there the couple sat, eyeing everyone that went by. Again, as I ran by there was no one immediately near me, so I knew for certain the guy's comment "My eyes! My eyes!" was meant for me.

Five years ago I would have cried the rest of the way home and then spent the evening crying about how hurt my feelings were by such callous remarks and then I would have cried a little more because I would have been mad at myself for not defending myself. However, I am bigger person now, for which I am thankful and didn't let the comments affect me in such a way. I realize that this person was trying to impress the girl he was sitting with and making fun a pregnant woman running is a good way for him to try and do this. Yes, he is rude. Yes, he hurt my feelings. And yes, I realize he is narrow minded and probably more insecure than myself.

I wouldn't say that all the remarks I heard in one night didn't make me self-conscious, they certainly did. I am six months pregnant, so that alone will call attention to my body. The fact that I am six months pregnant and running is CERTAINLY going to call attention to my body. So I took matters into my own hands and have started running at the butt crack of dawn, between 5:30 and 5:45 am I am out the door and on the trail, and I have to say, it makes a world of difference. I only see one or two people at the most and they barely give me a first glance, much less a second or third.

So to sum it all up: I will try and keep running as long as my hips will tolerate me, just not at peak hours when people treat me like a freak show and hurl snarky comments my way.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A (few) day(s) late and dollar(s) short

Just like in all areas of my life lately, it seems I am falling down on the job. This particular job I am referring to is the one of making sure my husband knows just what an awesome and irreplaceable father, best friend, entertainer, comedian, tickle warrior, and butt wiper he is. I know for a fact that I could not be the mother I am to my child without my husband standing by my side. I receive so much encouragement and support from J, and I love the fact that he’s is always ready to help me out in anyway possible, whether it be dropping whatever work he is doing to help feed the Bud, watching Buddance while I try to quickly dry my hair, or staying home for a morning to care for Bud so I can rest my weary pregnant body and prevent a major pass out.

J is my best friend, I know that I can tell him anything on my mind and he will not judge me, nor will he hold whatever spills from my pie-hole against me. The trouble is I have a hard time remembering this, and it often takes me a little while to open up, even after J’s patient and repeated attempts to find out what, if anything is bothering me. I am working on expressing myself and J is working with me. The persistent inquires into my psychological well-being are just one of the few ways that I know he loves me and wants only the best for me.

Watching J and Bud interact is one of the highlights of my life. J is so patient with Bud, gently reminding Bud to please not walk with a straw in his mouth, or lovingly rubbing sunscreen into Bud’s squirming appendages as Bud tries to make a run for the border. My favorite times of day are when J lays down on the floor and lets Bud climb all over him, occasionally tickling Bud or whisking Bud upside down during the whole ordeal. Hearing the interaction of squeals and giggles and watching the love the two of them share is heartwarming.

I receive lessons in patience from J everyday. He reminds to slow down and breathe and helps me realize that all the thoughts that freak me out and have me in a panic can be solved, or will work out in their own way. J helps me to see the humor in life, everyday he tries to make me smile, no matter what kind of pressure is upon him or stress he is feeling. He gently nudges me with reminders that I cannot not take on the whole world, and helps me break my tasks in manageable daily duties. Without J, I would most certainly be balancing my check book in the wee hours of the night, ready to pass out on the floor in my underwear.

J is the rock for our family, in both a literal and figurative way, and for that I am so thankful. Happy Father’s day J, may you always know how much we value and love you.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Little bits

The other evening I arrived home in time to see Buddance awake from his afternoon nap. He and his Daddy were upstairs in Bud's room, preparing to come down and get ready for the rest of the afternoon. I entered the room and went to pick Bud up, and he nestled into my arms and proceeded to give me a two minute hug while he watched his father dance to music coming from the baby iPod. It was such a perfect greeting after a tiring day and the endless hug made me realize that I am beyond lucky to be part of such an amazing family.

Bud now has 13 teeth, he has three molars coming in, and he is getting his eye teeth, but he is being surprisingly compliant through all the new additions.

He is trying to talk more, but only if we encourage him, so far it's been car, ruff-ruff, moo, baa (what a sheep says), kaw-kaw (what a bird says), he'll snort like a pig, maaow (meow), krackar (cracker), ouwer (flower), Mama, Dada, and probably more words that I am forgetting at this point. I realize how boring this list is, and it will really only be of interest to me, oh well.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My face: officially melting

I cannot believe how hot it has been these last few days. We went from having wonderful weather in the high 60's, low 70's to hell on earth. The humidity is enough to smother anyone who walks outside and I have been constantly sweating since, oh let's see, LAST Thursday. So pleasant. Not to mention I have some crazy heat rash on my feet that is itching me half to death AND I am six months pregnant. Really, it couldn't get any better.

Poor Bud has only been able to go outside in the early mornings because it is so hot by mid-morning because I would rather keep a toddler cooped up and running around inside our teeny tiny house, then suffer these devilish temperatures. I am sure he thinks I am trying to torture him, but little does he know that if we went outside I would melt into a puddle of nothingness and then he would have to fend for himself until someone found him, which, all in all, not a good thing.

Also, the air in my office isn't working, so it's a balmy 85 degrees INSIDE. Woe is me.

In other more uplifting news, my son is still the cutest thing that walks on two legs and is forever entertaining J and myself. Just yesterday he sat down on the carpet in the living room, pulled out a book, placed it in his lap (upside down), and began flipping pages and talking to himself. I nearly died from the cuteness as well as how grown-up he seemed at that moment. He is losing traces of his baby self everyday and more and more we are seeing the little boy that he is becoming. He has such a good sense of humor and loves to giggle and laugh. Yesterday evening J grabbed a spatula and put it down the backside of Bud's shorts, so he was walking around with a spatula as an erect tail. It was quite funny to watch, and at first Bud wasn't sure what to make of the whole situation, but after a few moments he really started enjoying himself. He also realized how much his father and I enjoyed this whole show, I think that encouraged him to adjust a little more quickly to a foreign object sticking out of his backside.

The evening entertainment must have had a positive affect on Bud because this morning he picked up two of his stuffed animals and motioned for me to put them down the back of shorts. Then he proceeded to do a little dance with a stuffed monkey and stuffed bear poking their heads of his shorts. I love that kid.

Friday, June 06, 2008


...if a person cuts off between two and three inches of hair and no one comments on the new hairstyle, does this mean:

A) no one even notices the change


B) the new style looks really craptastic

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Keepin' on

These last few weeks around our house have been NUTSO. J has been working like a dog, constantly busy with everything and barely has time to breathe, therefore, I have been trying to hold down the fort for all of us. I can be an okay fort holder downer, but at times I slip up and do not perform to the best of my abilities.

Buddance and I spent the weekend visiting grandparents down south since J was on a business trip, and we had a great time. It was a little stressful trying to pack up for a long weekend, with me being pregnant and Buddance being unable to help in anyway (if you count giving me pats on the back as help, then he was a big helper, but otherwise, not so much). The drive down went surprisingly well, and though Bud only naps for a total of 30 minutes in the car (no matter what) he was still very pleasant for the trip. We had a blast playing with dogs, running around in a huge yard, watering flowers, and exploring the house in which Momma grew up. I was so glad that Bud and I were able to get away, especially since J was gone for almost six days and it would have been r-o-u-g-h at our little tiny house trying to find new ways to entertain Bud.

While we were on our trip Bud tried saying some new words, "Water" and "Flower" were the ones I understood. He uses flower regularly now, but I haven't heard water since the first time he said it.

Baby numero two is doing well and making his or her presence known by sitting heavily on my bladder. Buddance is still pretty much in the dark as to how his life is going to change in September, but that's okay, I have a feeling he is going to be a wonderful older brother. He is such a sweet and caring child, so loving and affectionate, it is wonderful. I can only hope this tender side of Bud remains present even after he is not the only light in our lives. I am so thrilled to meet this new child, I cannot wait. Well, let me rephrase that. I CAN wait. Preferably until September 24 or after. Do all the cooking you can little bebe, we need as much prep time as possible out here.