Updates Schmupdates
It seems that I always have these wonderful ideas for a post flitting around in my head, but when I sit down to write, I forget every single one of them. So, instead of a coherent, concise post I present: Boring updates from the past month. Yay!
Over the last week we realized we are letting Bud become very lazy when he is talking. We'll often fill in words for him, say the name of objects he is pointing to (instead of asking him what the object is) and let him say the wrong word for objects (he calls trash "da", and we are okay with this). Well! No more! The talking police are here to stay. Bud is getting pretty stubborn about saying his words, but we just keep encouraging him and praising him when he finally does try something other than "da". Da has been his go to word, it is what he says when he knows he is supposed to say something, but can't form the right sound.
Not only are we encouraging Bud to branch out more with his speech, we are trying to get him to use a big boy cup. He looks so old drinking from a cup! We have had some spills, some on purpose, some by accident, but for the most part Bud is doing really well mastering a regular cup. It is amazing to see how much he has changed, all the traces of the baby he used to be are virtually gone and have been replaced with little boy personality and antics.
Speaking of antics, this kid is the life of the party. He is constantly trying to entertain himself by making himself laugh, or making others laugh. Any time Bud hears someone chuckling, he will start chuckling right along with them, and it doesn't matter where we are when this happens, around friends or strangers, Bud likes to laugh. We could be strolling by people eating outside, they start to laugh, and Bud will turn and guffaw right along with them. It cracks me up every time he does it! Bud definitely knows what he wants, and usually it involves a smile and a giggle.
The boy is so full of laughter and joy, I hope this doesn't change once his sibling arrives. This week I am 31 weeks along! Time is flying. We finally got our building permit and so we begin finishing the basement. I am so thrilled that we will be working to complete the space, I can only pray it is all done before our 2nd little bambino graces us with its presence. And yes, I just called my baby an 'it', because that is far easier to type than he or she. In other 'it' news, this kid is kicking up a storm now, which is wonderful to feel. It has become very roley poley in my belly, and I am constantly feeling it press on my insides. I cannot wait to find out who this baby is, I am so excited to meet you my little one!
I will end this post by remembering one of the most perfect moments from last night. As we were putting Bud to bed, I settled down in the rocker to read him a story and J got ready to leave the room. As he was leaving, J turned around, kneeled down, opened his arms and asked Bud for a hug. Bud was standing near the changing table and he suddenly bolted away from the table, ran towards J, and threw himself into J's arms. It was absolutely heartwarming to see the amount of love and excitement Bud has for his Daddy. If everyone we loved was always that excited to give us hugs, I have a feeling we'd all be in better moods.
Over the last week we realized we are letting Bud become very lazy when he is talking. We'll often fill in words for him, say the name of objects he is pointing to (instead of asking him what the object is) and let him say the wrong word for objects (he calls trash "da", and we are okay with this). Well! No more! The talking police are here to stay. Bud is getting pretty stubborn about saying his words, but we just keep encouraging him and praising him when he finally does try something other than "da". Da has been his go to word, it is what he says when he knows he is supposed to say something, but can't form the right sound.
Not only are we encouraging Bud to branch out more with his speech, we are trying to get him to use a big boy cup. He looks so old drinking from a cup! We have had some spills, some on purpose, some by accident, but for the most part Bud is doing really well mastering a regular cup. It is amazing to see how much he has changed, all the traces of the baby he used to be are virtually gone and have been replaced with little boy personality and antics.
Speaking of antics, this kid is the life of the party. He is constantly trying to entertain himself by making himself laugh, or making others laugh. Any time Bud hears someone chuckling, he will start chuckling right along with them, and it doesn't matter where we are when this happens, around friends or strangers, Bud likes to laugh. We could be strolling by people eating outside, they start to laugh, and Bud will turn and guffaw right along with them. It cracks me up every time he does it! Bud definitely knows what he wants, and usually it involves a smile and a giggle.
The boy is so full of laughter and joy, I hope this doesn't change once his sibling arrives. This week I am 31 weeks along! Time is flying. We finally got our building permit and so we begin finishing the basement. I am so thrilled that we will be working to complete the space, I can only pray it is all done before our 2nd little bambino graces us with its presence. And yes, I just called my baby an 'it', because that is far easier to type than he or she. In other 'it' news, this kid is kicking up a storm now, which is wonderful to feel. It has become very roley poley in my belly, and I am constantly feeling it press on my insides. I cannot wait to find out who this baby is, I am so excited to meet you my little one!
I will end this post by remembering one of the most perfect moments from last night. As we were putting Bud to bed, I settled down in the rocker to read him a story and J got ready to leave the room. As he was leaving, J turned around, kneeled down, opened his arms and asked Bud for a hug. Bud was standing near the changing table and he suddenly bolted away from the table, ran towards J, and threw himself into J's arms. It was absolutely heartwarming to see the amount of love and excitement Bud has for his Daddy. If everyone we loved was always that excited to give us hugs, I have a feeling we'd all be in better moods.